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Description of Mathematical Handbook

The Mathematical Handbook by S. PersidisLearn more about the author. is a new kind of book published in full color.

It contains two printed parts (A and B) and two electronic parts (C and D), more than 1100 of pages in total. The printed parts contain thousands of formulas, figures, and mathematical expressions and statements of every kind, all highly organized and easily accessible to offer precise and reliable information. The electronic part contains extensions of many kinds, such as proofs, examples, and applications, from easy to very hard to find elsewhere. In its 23 chapters it covers most areas of mathematics, from elementary to advanced. It is designed to be a valuable lifetime companion for students and professionals in mathematics, physics, engineering and many other branches of science.

In addition, the Mathematical Handbook is fully searchable. This means that you can search for words, phrases and mathematical expressions even inside mathematical formulas. It is the first searchable Mathematical Handbook.

For book and packaging photos, as well as additional information, visit the Mathematical Handbook facebook page. You are given the option to select the Like button.

The Mathematical Handbook is the first Alive Book®, a new concept of a book for the 21st century, that continues to expand after its publication.

Mathematical Handbook Free Downloads

You can download four files that will give you a full description of the book. In Windows, the best way to download these files is to right-click on the file name and choose Save Target As. In Firefox, the best way is to right-click on the file name and choose Save Link As.

DemoMH.pdf This file contains an exact copy of some sample pages of the book with all the formulas and the figures. It shows exactly what all the pages of the book look like. You can also pageflip the table of contents and sample pages by clicking here.

WhyBuyMH.pdf This file contains a set of 30 questions that can be answered very easily with the Mathematical Handbook, but cannot be answered easily by visiting any site or using mathematical software.

HowToSearchMH.pdf This file explains in detail how you can search inside the Mathematical Handbook for words, phrases or mathematical expressions, even inside mathematical formulas. This is a ground braking technique with far reaching implications.

SearchMH.pdf This file is a full and exact copy of Part A of the Mathematical Handbook, in which all the graphics with formulas and figures have been replaced by plain text. It can be searched for words or mathematical expressions. It also gives a detailed description of the whole book.

Mathematical Handbook is an indispensable tool for anyone who uses mathematics.

Mathematical Handbook Instructions of Use

After obtaining a copy of Mathematical Handbook you will have access to Parts C and D.

Part C contains the additions that correspond to the icons of Part A. To use Part C (i.e. to access the additions) go to

Part D contains the remaining material that is related to Mathematical Handbook. This includes Instructions of use, FAQ, References, Links to other sites, Errors, Changes, etc. To use Part D go to

Complete instructions of how to use Parts C and D of Mathematical Handbook are given in Part D.

How to Obtain Mathematical Handbook

The Mathematical Handbook is sold and sent only to the final user via air mail.

To obtain a copy of the Mathematical Handbook you have to go through the following three simple steps:

1) Read and accept the Terms of Agreement.

2) Fill in the registration form.

3) Pay the total price (39 euros for Greece, 49 euros for all other countries) using your credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) through PayPal™. This price covers all expenses (books A and B and handling and shipping charges). The right to use Parts C and D through Internet is granted to the registered user free of charge.

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